Target Twitter Elon Musk: Waspadai Penipuan Kripto senilai $25 Juta – Setelah 10 bulan pemerintahan Elon Musk, penipuan kripto di X (sebelumnya Twitter) masih berkembang pesat.
Salah satu penipuan platform terbaru dan lebih produktif terjadi dalam bentuk pemberian token ‘GBTC’ palsu. Penipu berpura-pura berasosiasi dengan Grayscale Bitcoin Trust – dana Bitcoin terbesar di dunia – menggunakan kembali ticker GBTC-nya untuk distribusi token senilai $25 juta.
To claim their tokens, the scam post invited readers to visit a web page resembling Grayscale’s own site. It was posted by the account handle @Grayscale_FND, an account bearing a strong resemblance to the real company in name and profile, but which is completely unrelated to the actual fund.
The post has since been spotted and removed, but not before gathering up to 1,500 likes. Replies on the post were turned off – a common method used by social media scammers to prevent the community from alerting victims to their scheme.
Target Twitter Elon Musk: Waspadai Penipuan Kripto senilai $25 Juta
Adding to the ruse is the fake account’s blue checkmark – a badge indicating an account’s premium status on X. Before Musk, blue checks were reserved for popular influencers, celebrities, and organizations as a way of verifying real accounts from imposters.
Since the billionaire took over, however, anyone has been able to secure the badge by paying $8 per month, opening the floodgates to scammers looking to perfectly imitate real groups. When Musk bought Twitter, he promised to “defeat the spam bots” which are notoriously prevalent within the online crypto scene.
Still, there are ways to tell the difference: The company’s real account, @Grayscale, contains a gold verification badge, which is reserved for official businesses and is far more costly than the premium badge.
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A look at the fake account’s posts also showed a long list of reposts from the official Grayscale account. A retweeted post is indicated at the top of the post on one’s account feed.
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— Bloomberg Crypto (@crypto) August 30, 2023
Popularitas penipuan Grayscale dapat dimengerti mengingat kemenangan besar perusahaan tersebut atas Komisi Sekuritas dan Bursa (SEC) di pengadilan bulan lalu. Sejak kemenangan tersebut, diskon saham GBTC dibandingkan dengan nilai Bitcoin yang mendasari dana tersebut telah menyusut dari 25% menjadi 17%.